
My name is Andrew Liang, and this is my website. I'm a young, Chicago-born-and-bred Chinese American who currently lives in the LA area. I do my best to document my work and professional interests here. Below, you can find more basic info; the links up above will take you into deeper, more descriptive material.


About Me


My career started in the defense industry for Northrop Grumman through internships during college and a full-time position for a little under a year from 2018 to 2019; while there, I worked on software infrastructure tools and early stage prototype analytics. In August of 2019, I left Northrop Grumman to try my hand in the trading industry with Belvedere Trading LLC as a software engineer. I got to see first-hand the kind of work traders do and worked on a few applications to help them do their job faster and easier. Unfortunately, I was laid off in March 2020 due to COVID-19; I'm currently seeking employment while working on my personal projects.


I went to the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy for high school. From there, I continued on to UIUC to complete a Bachelor's of Science in Engineering Physics. Now, I'm working on my Master's of Science in Computer Science (with a concentration in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence) through Georgia Tech's renowned OMSCS program. Courses I've taken include Artificial Intelligence (CS 6601), Robotics: AI Techniques (CS 7638), Reinforcement Learning (CS 7642), and Simulation (ISYE 6644).


I've always had a strong inclination towards mathematics, but wanted to find my own balance between theory and application. Pure theoretical math felt too out of touch with reality, but I found that going straight into crunching numbers would be too mind-numbing. Having grown up around computers (my dad works as a database administrator) and being naturally lazy, I felt like the best way to apply myself would be to come up with mathematical models for the real world--but have the computer do all the heavy lifting and sort out the finer details. This mindset led me to take in interest in not only the ever-popular ML/AI, but also modeling and simulation. And thanks to my time spent at Belvedere, I've started to also develop an interest in applying AI agents and algorithms to the stock market.